Can You Wear Apple Watch on Ankle? Solving The Mystery

Apple Watch has changed the whole watch industry. Even those who never thought about wearing a watch now have an apple watch on their wrists. This is how technology has revolutionalized the watch industry. The features introduced in this watch is raising some new kind of questions. Some users are suggesting wearing an apple watch on the ankle for better accuracy. But can you even wear an apple watch on your ankle? Let’s find out!
Can You Wear Apple Watch On Ankle

So, can you wear an apple watch on body parts other than your wrist, like the ankle? Yes, although the watch is not designed for the ankle, if it fits, you can wear it on your ankle. One thing to note here is that the fitness sensors don’t properly work on the ankle. Therefore, wearing your apple watch on your ankle isn’t a good idea unless it’s necessary.

Now, it is clear that wearing your apple watch on your ankle is not a good idea. But why is this idea so popular then? Let’s solve this mystery together.

Why Wearing Apple Watch on Your Ankle is a Bad Idea?

Down below, we have listed some factors that make wearing an apple watch on your ankle an impractical decision:

Inaccurate Biometrics

A very large group of people buy the apple watch because of its accuracy of fitness sensors and its biometric readings. Wearing the watch on the ankle is totally against these benefits. Apple has designed its watches to be worn on the wrists. The sensors they have incorporated also work properly when placed on the wrist.

If you wear your apple watch on your ankle, you won’t be able to get any accurate fitness readings. 

Irritation and Discomfort

Wearing an apple watch on your ankle will only bring discomfort to your life. The wrist is the perfect spot because, in this way, the watch doesn’t rub against your skin, causing discomfort and irritation.

Contrarily, if you wear your watch on your ankle, it will continuously rub against your skin, causing irritation and even bruises if worn continuously. This is why it is not recommended at all to wear an apple watch on your ankle.

Killing The Main Idea  

Why were wristwatches invented? Because you can keep track of time without having the need to find a clock every time. If you wear your smartwatch on your ankle, you won’t be able to look at the time properly.

In order to see the time on your apple watch, you will have to bend in a very awkward position. Hence, if you are not planning to make people in your surroundings laugh, don’t wear an apple watch on your ankle.

Compromised Protection

When we are wearing our apple watch on our wrist, we are completely aware of every potential danger. Due to this fact, we are able to save it from almost every accident that could result in damage.

However, that is not the case when it comes to wearing an apple watch on your ankle. Wearing an apple watch on your ankle means you are welcoming all kinds of risks. Therefore, if you don’t want a broken apple watch, don’t think about wearing it on your ankles. 

Why Do People Wear Their Apple Watch On Ankle?

Now, this is one of the most important questions. Why do people wear apple watches on their ankles instead of their wrists? There are several myths related to this topic which are explained below:

To Get Better Accuracy

There is a myth that if you wear your apple watch on your ankle, you will receive more accurate biometrics. This statement is an absolute myth. One thing that is designed to be worn on the wrist can’t function better on the ankle.

Apple spends Millions, if not Billions of $$ on research. Consequently, you get a device that is almost flawless in terms of design and technology. Wearing a wristwatch on your ankle means challenging apple’s findings which is ridiculous. 

To Save It

Another misconception found commonly among people is that their apple watch is better protected on their apple than on their wrists. However, the reality is totally opposite. By wearing it on your ankle, you are significantly increasing the number of potential dangers. 

The chances of hitting and breaking your apple watch while on your ankle are double that on your wrist. 

This pretty much sums up why you shouldn’t even think about wearing an apple watch on your ankle. And even if you are still determined to wear the watch on your ankle, ensure that the band fits properly.


Can the apple watch detect the heart rate on my ankle?

Yes, the apple will detect the heart rate on your ankle. However, the readings you will receive won’t be accurate. This is because the company has designed the watch to be worn on the wrist. Therefore, if you want to detect your heart rate using the apple watch, always wear it on the wrist.

Can you wear your apple watch discreetly?

If you want to go spy mode with your apple watch, then there are a few tricks for wearing your smartwatch discreetly. This includes wearing on the ankle, but even, in this case, it is not the best option. Why? Because if you are wearing too tight clothes, anyone will be able to easily detect it.

Can I wear my Apple Watch in my pocket?

Yes, there’s nothing wrong with keeping your apple watch in your pocket. However, you can’t expect an apple watch to record correct biometrics while sitting in your pocket. 

Apple Watch On Ankle Wrapped Up

The fact that you can wear an apple watch on your ankle has raised some questions. Some people believe that you can get the most out of your apple watch by wearing it on your ankle.

However, studies and surveys have proven that this concept has nothing to do with reality. In reality, wearing an apple watch on your ankle has no benefits at all. To get the most out of your investment, stick with wearing it on your wrist.