Do Apple Watches Break Easily? The Truth Revealed.

You just spent $800 on the newest Apple Watch. It’s supposed to be the best of the best and will do everything except make you breakfast in bed. So why is it that after only a few months, your watch looks like it’s been through a war? This also makes you think that can take this watch break easily? Well, that is exactly what we will answer in today’s post.

The simple answer is that, yes, Apple Watches break easily. But before you go and return yours, there are a few things you should know. The aluminum body of your apple watch can bend, and the display glass can shatter. The band, although they are not much expensive, they too can crack, break or simply rip.

Does this mean that you should just sell or watch or stop wearing it? Well, not necessarily. Although there are a lot of people roaming around with cracked apple watches, there are ways of avoiding the disaster.

Before you learn tips and tricks to keep your apple watch from breaking, you must know how these watches break.

How Apple Watches Break or Get Damaged

Apple Watches are delicate devices. The materials used in manufacturing these watches are sturdy but still prone to permanent damage. In other words, there are a lot of ways for an Apple Watch to break.

By Falling

The most common way people break their Apple Watches is by dropping them. Whether you drop your watch on the ground, on your desk, or in the toilet (yes, people have done this), there’s a good chance it’s going to break.  

Cracked or Ripped Band

The same goes for the apple watch bands. They’re not indestructible either. In fact, there’s a good number of apple watch owners that had to replace their watches only because of their bands. I can almost hear you saying, “this doesn’t make any sense.” Well, it does. When the band is ripped or cracked, it can no longer hold the watch in place.

Therefore, after a certain point, the watch falls off the wearer’s wrist and gets damaged.

Water Damage

Water damage is another common way people break or damage their Apple Watches. Whether you accidentally spill water on it, sweat through it during a workout, or take it for a swim, water can ruin your watch. Water damage isn’t always immediately noticeable. Sometimes it takes days or weeks for the damage to show up as corrosion on the internal components of your watch. 

Now, you might be wondering, isn’t your apple watch water-resistant? Yes, it is water resistant, but it is not waterproof. There’s a huge difference between these terminologies. Water resistant means it can handle interaction with water up to some extent. This includes sweating, washing hands, rain, and accident spillage of water but nothing more!

How Durable is the Apple Watch?

Are you afraid after learning about so many ways in which you can damage your apple watch? To make the environment pleasant for you, let’s discuss how durable an apple watch is.

Well, The answer to this question depends upon the way you treat your watch. If you are careful with your things and don’t mind spending a little extra money on a good case, then your watch will probably be just fine. However, if you are hard on your belongings or tend to be a bit careless, then you might want to get insurance for your device. 

How To Protect You Watch From Breaking?

So much of breaking, let’s now talk about how you can avoid all of this inconvenience. The best way to prevent any damage to your watch is to use a case and screen protector. A case will protect the body of your watch from scratches, cracks, and dings, while a screen protector will safeguard the display from getting scratched up. There are tons of different cases and screen protectors available on the market, so you can find one that suits your needs and style perfectly. 

Here are some other points that you can follow to increase the lifespan of your apple watch:

  • First of all, your band should be in pristine condition. If the band’s quality is compromised, then your watch is at an all-time risk. 
  • Secondly, you should always try to keep your watch away from water as much as you can. This will keep the acoustics and seals of your watches perfectly intact. Meaning that you can enjoy your apple watch as long as you want.
  • The third point that is worth mentioning here is don’t take your watch on adventures unprotected. This means that if you are going on a hiking trip, playing sports, or in places where chances of accidents are higher, avoid wearing your watch especially if it doesn’t have a protector or a case.


How long does an apple watch last before it breaks?

Obviously, apple doesn’t share any numbers with the public but according to the public, the timespan is 3 years. This is just a result of a survey so don’t rely on this time duration. If you are careful with your apple watch it can surely last for a lifetime. Contrarily, if you are not sincere with your investment and don’t pay much attention, your apple watch can go dead in a couple of months.

Which apple watch is the most durable?

Apple claims that their apple series 7 watch is the most durable watch they have built till now. This claim is also true of the materials used in the manufacturing of this high-tech watch are certainly more sturdy and durable.

Apple Watch Durability Summed Up

Apple Watches are delicate devices that are prone to breaking if not treated with care. The most common ways people break their watches are by dropping them or getting them wet. However, even with cases and screen protectors, accidents happen. If you do find yourself in need of a new watch, don’t despair. There are plenty of options out there that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.